All About PJ Library
“There is not a friend as loyal as a book.”
– Ernest Hemmingway
Did you know that if you are a Jewish family living in North America you are eligible to receive free books from a wonderful organization called PJ Library?
As soon as your child is born, they can start receiving books and can continue getting them until age 9. Then, if parents sign up for PJ Our Way, the books will continue into the next stage for children ages 9-12.
PJ Library sends high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish children’s books to families every month with the intent to spark conversations and, of course, educate. Each title inspires the family to explore and celebrate what they love about Jewish life. Whatever your child’s age, rest assured that PJ Library has a title that will be a unique fit.
Created by the nonprofit Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the group’s mission began and remains as a way to help families connect to Jewish values, traditions and culture while building vibrant Jewish communities. This great idea is now offered in 40 countries, which translates to over 7 million children’s books a year being enjoyed by families all over the world.
But PJ Library is about so much more than books. Offering a vast array of online resources including holiday guides, recipes, music, activity ideas and podcasts, it’s all about helping families connect to and strengthen their Jewish community.
I have witnessed fellow Jewish parents reacquaint and educate not just their children, but themselves as well. If you are wondering how they continue to sustain these informative programs, it is because of the community of generous donors, which includes parents and grandparents. This ensures that the library can continue being free for families and allows them to pass on these Jewish traditions.
It takes thousands of donors working together to help pay and offset the costs for subscribers. The goal is to reach as many families as possible and the costs are covered by this unique partnership between the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, members of the PJ Library Alliance, and of course, the generous families that “pay it forward.” In many communities, there is an agency like the Jewish Federation or local synagogues that are key factors in continuing to keep it free.
Selecting the books is a year-round process. The committee works hard and is always on the lookout for compelling stories, intriguing illustrations, and timeless values you can share with your children. You will find that their books reflect the very best of Jewish children’s literature.
Because today’s Jewish families are a broad spectrum and not all alike, the books reflect and mirror that beautifully. Some members have very little background or training in Jewish learning, while others attend synagogue regularly and are well versed in all of the rituals and holidays.
It is this very diversity that is welcomed and celebrated.
For more information on this extraordinary organization, visit
Gena Ansell-Lande is a contributing writer to Jlife Magazine.