For decades, Temple Shalom of Aberdeen has hosted ‘Mitzvah Day,’ bringing members young and old together to participate in a day of good deeds. Held on May 5, 2024, about 70 volunteers joined this annual event.
This year’s highlighted project partnered our many temple volunteers with ‘Undies for Everyone,’ an organization that helps to provide clean underwear to children in local communities. Co-sponsored with Women of Temple Shalom, funds were collected to purchase more than 2,500 pairs of new underwear. We were able to bring all 360 packages (each containing a week’s worth of underwear) to ‘180 Turning Lives Around,’ a local organization providing help to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.
Additional ‘Mitzvah Day’ activities included preparing mailers for donations to send underprivileged youth to summer camp; making cards and pictures to send to IDF soldiers; gardening and building projects; a cooking oil drive for the local food banks; and a men’s suit drive, sponsored by the Temple’s Brotherhood.
For more info on Temple Shalom, contact us at: (732) 566-2621 or