Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, a noted rabbinical scholar and the spiritual leader of the Mill Hill Synagogue in London, will be guest speaker at a community Shabbat dinner, Friday, Aug. 4 at Chabad of the Shore in Long Branch. The program will begin 7:45 p.m. following services at 7 p.m.
Schochet, who holds a master’s degree in Jewish studies from University College in London, is the author of numerous articles in magazines, newspapers and journals, including serving as the diary rabbi for the Guardian newspaper. His pieces have appeared in such noted publications at Time magazine and the London Times and he writes a weekly column for the London-based Jewish Chronicle. He s also a regular panelist on CNN and the BBC. Schochet has lectured internationally in such places as Australia, Russia and Europe as well as he U.S. He has served in the Chief Rabbi’s Cabinet and as chair of the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue and was named by the Jewish Telegraph as one of the 10 most influential rabbis in the United Kingdom.
Cost is $40 for children and $75 for adults. For reservations call (732) 229-2424 or https://chabadshore.com.
Rutgers Jewish Xperience (RJX) will host a golf outing featuring great food from acclaimed caterers, craft beer an open bar and good friends on Wednesday, Aug. 8 from 8-10 p.m. at Topgolf in Edison. Funds raised at the event will be used to expand RJX’s programs, organize educational initiatives and cultural events and for scholarships to enrich the lives of young Jewish adults. Among its initiatives are the Maimonides Leaders Fellowship offering 10 weekly seminars with dynamic speakers and Jewish leaders and two retreats and its entrepreneur course, offering 12 sessions featuring discussions on Jewish practice and holidays, one-on-one learning and dinner. RJX also sponsors trips to Poland and Israel; JBiz, providing networking opportunities for Jewish business students to interact with successful Jewish business professionals and JMed, which provides students interested in a medical career the chance to learn from Jewish medical professionals—including how Judaism can be applied to the medical field—as well as opportunities to shadow them and provides summer internships
Prices for the golf event varies depending on level of sponsorship. For information or to register go to https://www.rutgersjx.com.
Renowned cantor and composer Becky Mann will be special guest to help Temple Emanu-El in Edson kick off its first kehillah community Havdalah service on Saturday, August 12 at 7 p.m.
An assistant cantor at Temple Israel in Westport, Conn., Mann is also a composter and guitarist who has been called “one of the brightest voices of a new generation of Jewish songwriters carrying out a tradition forward in new and exciting ways.” Her music can be heard at congregations across the country in worship services and workshops and concerts at the Reform movement’s American Conference of Cantors conventions and Union for Reform Judaism conferences. Mann’s compositions for children, the High Holidays as well as Jewish a cappella, rock and pop, have been published.
A potluck dessert reception will follow the Havdalah program, which ushers out Shabbat. Those attending are asked to bring a tasty treat to share. For information go to https://www.edisontemple.org or (732) 549-4442.
Come enjoy a taste of summer with the Men’s Club and Sisterhood of Congregation Torat El-Jersey Shore Jewish Center in Oakhurst as they hold their annual barbecue on Sunday, Aug. 13 at 5 p.m. on the synagogue’s patio. The event will be held rain or shine and is free to Torat El members. For reservations, which must be received by Aug. 7, go to https://www.torat-el.org/get-involved/upcoming-events/. For more information call (732) 531-4410 or go to torat-el.org.