Home October 2023 Jlife Buzz- Cantor Larry Becomes Rabbi Larry

Jlife Buzz- Cantor Larry Becomes Rabbi Larry

    It’s a match made in Heaven! It is not often or common that the cantor of a synagogue becomes their rabbi, but that’s exactly what happened at East Brunswick Jewish Center and they couldn’t be happier. When their rabbi left due to poor health, the search started and after every interview the same statement was heard…” well, he’s no Cantor Larry.” Why keep searching when your next rabbi is already your cantor?
    It turns out that Cantor Larry had already been studying and was close to obtaining his smicha. It didn’t take any convincing and the vote was unanimous to have Cantor Larry become the Rabbi as of August 1, 2023. The members love him, the community loves him…it was a no brainer. 
    On September 9th, they had a special shabbat service and catered kiddush to welcome Rabbi Larry and 270 people attended. It was a lovefest. Rabbi Larry walked up to the podium during services and said…” You do realize that Rosh Hashana is NEXT week, right?” Laughter ensued and the tone was set for what the new Rabbi would bring to the congregation…warmth, friendship, tradition, spirituality and ruach. Welcome Gifts were presented to the Rabbi that embodied not only how much we care for him, but in keeping with his sense of humor and how comfortable the congregation feels about him…a Rabbi Larry Bobblehead!  


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