Congregation Ahavat Olam in Howell will host an open house Sunday, July 9, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. during which those attending can tour the synagogue, learn about engaging and fun youth and religious school programs, enriching adult education and meet congregants and guests. Attendees can also enjoy refreshments while getting to know Sisterhood and Men’s club members and the activities of these groups. The Conservative synagogue is committed to fostering a strong connection to Israel, the local community and intellectual, spiritual, social and cultural growth while developing a deeper understanding of Jewish values and traditions and merging the ideals of Torah with today’s modern world.
Please RSVP at (732) 719-3500 or For more information please visit
Come join with friends for a summer party at Chabad House of Monroe, which will hold a scotch tasting on Sunday, July 2, at 7:30 p.m. featuring a scotch and wine expert, hot corned beef, BBQ wings and hot dogs The cost is $36 per person with $180 sponsorships available. RSVP required at Credit card payments can be made at and checks can be made out to Chabad House of Monroe.
Long before Miami Beach became a hotspot for Jewish retirees fleeing cold winters there was a Jewish presence in Florida. Despite not officially being allowed to live there until 1763, Jewish immigrants escaping expulsions and antisemitism were among the state’s earliest settlers. The state now has the nation’s third largest Jewish population.
On Tuesday, July 11, at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom the East Brunswick Jewish Center will present a free program on the History of Jews in Florida with Marcia Jo Zerivitz, founding executive director of the Jewish Museum of Florida located at Florida International University. Learn about how the state’s Jews have been integral to its development through pioneering efforts in promoting tourism, space exploration, agriculture and the arts, producing business, science and political leaders, among others.
Although free, donations are appreciated and registration is required at For more information go to To learn more about the museum go to
Learn Israeli dance this summer with longtime dance instructor Stacy Goto, who will be conducting classes on four Thursdays in July and August at Temple Shaari Emeth in Manalapan. The instruction is being presented by the Sisterhood from 7-8:30 p.m. on July 14 and 27 and Aug. 10 and 24. No experience is necessary and participants should wear comfortable shoes.
Goto said her goal is to restart Israeli dance in western Monmouth County. Goto trained with the Pennsylvania Ballet Company as a child, directed and choreographed for an Israeli folk dance troupe in college, taught ballroom dancing at a Fred Astaire Studio and has taught country line dancing. She continues to teach privately and dances ballroom, Israeli folk and country line dancing at various venues.
Sessions are free for members and $5 for guests. To RSVP or for information contact Goto at or (732) 804-4664. Those who sign up will receive a weekly e-mail from her. For more information please visit