Home OCTOBER 2024


The Jewish Holiday Table

All the family memories accentuated with delicious dishes. When it comes to Jewish holidays, we either feast or fast. When Yom Kippur ends, Jews around...

Interfaith and Interconnected

Reform Synagogues Welcome Non-Jewish Spouses There are many reasons to love Reform Judaism and being a part of a reform synagogue,  not the least of...

We’re Never Going Back

Ways the Pandemic Has Changed Our Lives The pandemic is over, the economy is open and everything can get back to normal, right? Not quite.  ...

Shabbat for Families

How to make Shabbat your family’s favorite day of the week Preparing for and celebrating Shabbat can be a daunting proposition. There are so many...

Ask the Expert: Can I Attend a Family Wedding on Shabbat?

What do we do when two Jewish values clash? Question:  I’m Jewish but my brother is not and he is getting married on a Saturday....

“Values” & Observance

Reflections On and From My Centenarian Friend My friend Dina Rosten died in May. She would have turned 101 in July. It’s rare to be...

Most Read

JLife NJ Extra- February 1, 2025

Did you ever wonder if Larry David and Sen. Bernie Sanders have the same barber?  The answer to this and many other questions will...

JLife Buzz- Local Resident, Avram Yushan, in Need of Kidney

   “Seeking a kidney donor.  I’m on dialysis seven days a week for 12 hours each session plus an hour at noon. I have...

JLife Buzz-The Borough of Keyport Celebrates Hanukkah

    The Borough of Keyport celebrated Hanukkah with a bayside menorah lighting on December 6, the second night of the holiday. Rabbi Dovid...

JLife Buzz- Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah Celebrates Ten Years of Service by Rabbi Yaakov and Malky Tesser as Rabbi-Mara D’Atra and...

      A gala testimonial dinner was held on November 17 at Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah to celebrate the...

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