Home March 2024

March 2024

Jlife Buzz- Israel’s Minister Of Tourism Assures Audience that the Safety of Tourists is Israel’s Top Priority Following United Airlines’ Announcement that it will...

    Addressing more than 4,000 attendees at the opening ceremony of the National Religious Broadcasters Christian Media Convention (NRB) in Nashville on...

What Are Jewish Genetic Diseases?

As many as 1 in 3 Ashkenazi Jews are estimated to be carriers for one of about 19 genetic diseases. Jewish genetic diseases are a...

Cooking Jewish- Healthy Choices

Fall in love with vegetables Amanda Cohen, chef/owner of Manhattan’s Dirt Candy – she’d rather call it a vegetable restaurant than a vegetarian restaurant—knew she...

Getting “Back” to Basics

Chiropractor Dr. Staci Addessi Embodies the Spirit of Tikkun Olam in her Chiropractic Practice A new year brings with it the very best intentions to...

A Shul for You-Monmouth Reform Temple

Monmouth Reform Temple, 332 Hance Ave, Tinton Falls Background: According to the synagogue’s official history, posted on its website, “In early 1959, about 29 families...

The History of Purim

There are many theories as to how this holiday developed. According to many modern Bible scholars, the festival of Purim did not have its source...

Someone To Turn To

Funeral homes provide ongoing mental health assistance. “Everyone knows about death, but when it happens to you, it throws everything upside down,” said psychologist Chuck...

Unique Protection

Tzitzit as War Amulet An amulet is defined as “an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.”...

Most Read

JLife NJ Extra- February 1, 2025

Did you ever wonder if Larry David and Sen. Bernie Sanders have the same barber?  The answer to this and many other questions will...

JLife Buzz- Local Resident, Avram Yushan, in Need of Kidney

   “Seeking a kidney donor.  I’m on dialysis seven days a week for 12 hours each session plus an hour at noon. I have...

JLife Buzz-The Borough of Keyport Celebrates Hanukkah

    The Borough of Keyport celebrated Hanukkah with a bayside menorah lighting on December 6, the second night of the holiday. Rabbi Dovid...

JLife Buzz- Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah Celebrates Ten Years of Service by Rabbi Yaakov and Malky Tesser as Rabbi-Mara D’Atra and...

      A gala testimonial dinner was held on November 17 at Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah to celebrate the...

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