Home August 2024

August 2024

Bridging the Digital Generation Gap

Teaching Technology to Seniors It has been a while since we have seen the comedy staple of the tech-savvy moppet trying—in vain—to show a grandparent...

Education for Change

The powerful lessons of hakhel and shmita. Commentary on Parashat Nitzavim, Deuteronomy 29:9 - 30:20     I consider the most beautiful passage in the Torah...

Who is an Educated Jew?

A historical perspective on the Jewish canon, and reflections on what today’s learned Jews need to know. There has been no consensus on the issue...

The Importance of Jewish Education Post October 7th

From the beginning of Jewish history, education has been inherent to who we are. It has been the beloved glue that has kept us...

A Shul for You- Freehold Jewish Center, Congregation Agudath Achim

Freehold Jewish Center Congregation Agudath Achim 59 Broad Street, Freehold NJ 07728 Background: The Freehold Jewish Center (FJC) was founded in 1911, making it one of the oldest...

Most Read

JLife NJ Extra- February 1, 2025

Did you ever wonder if Larry David and Sen. Bernie Sanders have the same barber?  The answer to this and many other questions will...

JLife Buzz- Local Resident, Avram Yushan, in Need of Kidney

   “Seeking a kidney donor.  I’m on dialysis seven days a week for 12 hours each session plus an hour at noon. I have...

JLife Buzz-The Borough of Keyport Celebrates Hanukkah

    The Borough of Keyport celebrated Hanukkah with a bayside menorah lighting on December 6, the second night of the holiday. Rabbi Dovid...

JLife Buzz- Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah Celebrates Ten Years of Service by Rabbi Yaakov and Malky Tesser as Rabbi-Mara D’Atra and...

      A gala testimonial dinner was held on November 17 at Young Israel of Aberdeen, Congregation Bet Tefilah to celebrate the...

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